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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Germany will not abandon the refugees

Instead of entering the limit on the number of refugees accepted in connection with the recent tragedy in Cologne, it is necessary to show more solidarity to all EU member states, thereby reducing the concentration of immigrants in one country - this position was voiced by the German Chancellor at the CSU party event in Bavarian Kroate.

The possibility of obtaining asylum is laid down in the Constitution, and in the case of a legitimate and justifiable reason for receiving it, no one has the right to refuse - otherwise it will be necessary to rewrite the basic law, "Merkel replied to the proposal of the Christian Social Union to enter the limit.

Recall that only in Germany over the past year, arrived more than a million refugees from the regions affected by the war, provoking a real migration crisis. This seriously shook the rating of the government bloc - at the last poll it was 32.5%, and the party rating Alternative for Germany, on the contrary grew to 12.5%. This is a little frightening results, given that the Alternative for Germany positions itself as a moderately nationalistic party, eager to withdraw Germany from the eurozone. Parliamentary elections are scheduled for 2017 and the new party has every chance of success.


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