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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Mountains and the sea of ​​Montenegro: Alpes near the Adriatic coast

Everyone in love with Montenegro knows its boundary, where the mountains and the sea of ​​Montenegro meet. The abstractly Slavic Alps, overgrown with black pine, become the more powerful the farther they go to the center of the country. When the tender water surface remains far behind your back, you get into the world of mysterious and gloomy Slavic legends - in the mountains there are bears, eagles, wolves, wild boars and foxes, thousands of streams and springs ring, waterfalls rumbling, open under the feet of the abyss, sparkle with snow-white hats glaciers .... In short, the mountains and the sea of ​​Montenegro attract untiring travelers to this wonderful land again and again.

If we ignore emotions and assess the situation a little more pragmatically, then we can say that the magnificent ecology of Montenegro encourages both Russians and Western Europeans to buy real estate in Montenegro. This is a real way to radically change its reality: mood, lifestyle, world perception and even profession. Everyone who dreams about buying a house in Montenegro is at least once in her life. At the same time, Montenegro's housing is affordable for many, and the authorities are doing everything possible to ensure that foreigners invest not only in real estate, but also in business. Therefore, with the presence of brains and certain skills, you can earn very well here.

So the mountains or the sea of ​​Montenegro? What should I bet when choosing a permanent place of residence? The situation should be considered from several sides: the sea (ie, beach areas and coastal cities) are more expensive, the infrastructure is well developed and adapted there and if you want you can settle among your compatriots, send your child to a Russian school, etc. This is Budva, Bar, Tivat or Kotor.

The mountains of Montenegro are not cheaper and more romantic, but it will be difficult to adapt here, unless you are near ski resorts.

Ulcinj (one of the most southern zones of Montenegro) breathes oriental flavor. There are many mosques here, and the atmosphere of Ottoman influence has been preserved. With neighboring Albania, here are the most peaceful and kind relations.

The mountains and the sea of ​​Montenegro are good in their own way, at the same time, due to the small area of ​​the country, it is always easy to get to the slopes and the coast. Here you will be fine in any case, and if you doubt the choice, try such an option as a long-term lease in Montenegro (for six months or a year), and everything will become clear from your own experience.

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