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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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In the case of 21 parents, a case on the refusal of vaccination of children

Over the past few years, in Montenegro and beyond, the MMR vaccine has a "bad reputation", mainly because of its alleged association with autism in children. This makes many parents think of vaccinating their children or not.

Editor's note: MMR vaccine (Short for measles-mumps-rubella vaccine - a three-part vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella).

Among the population there is an increase in the number of parents who, because of their fears, prefer to pay money, rather than risk their own child's health.

At the same time, the professional community defended the MMR vaccine, citing the fact that research conducted by millions of respondents clearly showed the lack of connection between the MMR vaccine and diseases such as autism, asthma, leukemia, diabetes, Crohn's disease and other disorders that are often mentioned in reports of opponents of vaccination, which cause the public to doubt its effectiveness.

Nevertheless, many parents in Montenegro face a dilemma, as, according to the country's legislation, vaccination of children against ten infectious diseases is obligatory. In case of refusal from compulsory vaccination, the parents or guardians of the child must pay a fine, the amount of which, according to the Law on Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, ranges from 100 to 500 euros.

In addition, there are also indirect sanctions, for example, a child can not be registered in a kindergarten or school, since, according to the requirements, to enroll him, a medical certificate must be provided to the educational institution confirming the vaccination of the child.

According to the Inspectorate Service (Uprave za inspekcijske poslove), 21 cases have now been revealed when pediatricians informed the medical inspectorate that the parents refuse to vaccinate or revaccinate the child. In this regard, the Office of the Inspectorate initiated 21 cases of an offense, however, to date, no response from the court has been received.

The methods and terms of granting vaccines in Montenegro are defined in the Resolution on the conditions and procedure for mandatory immunization and chemoprophylaxis against certain infectious diseases. By the time the baby is one year old, he must be vaccinated with a combination of a combination of live measles vaccines, mumps, and rubella, that is, MMR.

The regulation says that the vaccination should be carried out up to 12 months. MMR vaccination can be initiated at the age of six months to a year if the existence of epidemiological indications for vaccination is determined.


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