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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Montenegro continues to increase the incidence of influenza. There is one death

In Europe, the current season of the A H1N1 virus, which is called "swine flu. This strain of the virus characterizes severe clinical manifestations of the disease, the Montenegrin Institute of Public Health reported.

Montenegro recorded one death from "swine flu." This is a man, he was 51 years old.

This week, the country recorded a further increase in those affected by the flu and ARVI. The type A H1N1 virus was confirmed in 16 patients, 70 people addressed similar problems to the doctor. Age of patients from 25 to 64 years.

Doctors expect further growth this week.

Recall that the virus type A H1N1, known as "swine flu" first appeared in Europe in 2009.


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