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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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To date, the Adriatic coast, belonging to the country with the poetic name Montenegro, is considered the cleanest zone of the coastal territory of the Adriatic Basin.
At the same time, the actively developed tourism industry, which is the main branch of the local economy, does not affect the purity of local air and water. Even the Italians, who have the West of the Adriatic at their disposal, prefer to rest in the east, because the coastline here is much less loaded with entertainment facilities, restaurants and hotels. In this case, a tourist can find in Montenegro any entertainment to his taste.

Positively, the "rating" of the country is influenced by climatic conditions: 250 warm and sunny days a year, soft and even weather, amazing mountain and sea species.

For a person who decided to buy a property in Montenegro, there are several benefits:
- a simple mechanism of state regulation of the purchase and sale of real estate, not burdened by excessive bureaucratic formalities
- the relatively low cost of housing (as well as construction and repair)
- ease of mastering the language (this factor ensures the convenience of adapting representatives of the Slavic language group)
- a constant increase in rental prices and residential and commercial housing

If you have bought a property in Montenegro, you can be calm and for your land - the land is historically located exclusively in private ownership, and the protection of these rights is a peculiar local tradition.

Property prices in Montenegro do not vary very much: they are managed, but there are certain factors of influence on them:. the quality level of housing, the size of the plot, etc. But even if you decide to purchase an elite property in Montenegro, whether it is an apartment, a villa or a cottage, prices in comparison, say, with Moscow, will be much more pleasant. True, the popularity of the country is growing every year, and, therefore, prices are increasing rapidly enough.

If you are planning a truly profitable investment, it is optimal to buy a coastal plot of land (the price of the coast grows by about 30-40% per year), build a hotel or private housing for rent on it and earn substantial profits within the next year.

If you are a happy owner of an extra "odnushki" in Lyubertsy, think about whether it is better to buy land or real estate in Montenegro?

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