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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Who is on this year on his laurels?

The results of the laziest Olympiad in Montenegro are summed up!

Recall that the essence of this amusing annual competition is to not be able to move from a bed in any direction for as long as possible. This year, Herzegovina is confidently leading. Unfortunately, last year's record-breaking record-holder Marco Djurovic, who was out of the distance, could not convey his fighting spirit to his compatriots. The prize in the amount of 300 euro went to Herzegovina. The inhabitant of the town of Bilechi, Igor Kisich, to his 20 years old, apparently already trained so much in the lining of the sides that he easily littered his competitors with a more impressive life experience.

True, Marco Djurovic continues to rest on his laurels - his last 37-hour record Kisic could not beat, confining himself to an impressive figure of 33, 5 hours.

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