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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Dead fish poison the air and water of Ulcinj

It's not the first year that residents and guests of Ulcinj have collided at the height of the tourist season with a very unpleasant and even dangerous phenomenon: Milena's canal is flooded with tons of dead fish, which produces a smell, capable of driving even the most insensitive smell.

The representative of the Foreign Affairs Committee Fuad Lamezhevich said that the dead fish is not just an annoying nuisance for the townspeople and a hundred thousand tourists is a source of infection that is catastrophically dangerous to health.

Lamezhevich insists on attracting experts to the problem and initiating an urgent investigation by the authorities in order to identify the perpetrators of the situation. As the first security measure, Lamezevich suggests carefully inspecting all the city's fish merchants, since he suspects that many dishonest businessmen can use fish from the canal for profit and sell this poison to tourists and local residents.

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