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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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The new law on foreigners prevents people from getting a job in Montenegro

As predicted by Montenegrin businessmen, on April 1, 2015, the local labor market brought great troubles. From April to August 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued half the work permits and temporary residence in the country than in the first quarter of the year. Let this be just statistics, but the facts are obvious: 4,6 thousand to 8, 38 thousand.

Why is this happening? The reason is that the candidate for a job to get the right to work, must meet a number of stringent requirements, namely:

- have starting material support for their residence in Montenegro

- to rent or own a house

- to provide yourself with medical insurance at least (not to mention other, more optional types of insurance that an ideal candidate should also have)

In addition to the headache with finding the right candidates, the employer is also required to report to the authorities on why he does not use working resources of domestic origin.

Informally, the business community of Montenegro has already justified the reasons why (especially during the tourist season) they are more likely to attract foreigners: the Montenegrins themselves are not too eager to occupy hot vacancies, and to search for personnel among the local population in a time when it is necessary to actively forge until the heat is usually prolonged , bringing losses. And even if the searches were successful, citizens of other states observe much more official zeal on observations.

When the provisions of the new law were announced at the project stage, a panic began in the ranks of the business community. Several statements were made, following which the government postponed the entry into force of yet another interesting provision of the Aliens Act, which will begin to act closer to winter, holidaymakers: now, to hire a candidate from abroad, you need to talk with the Employment Service on the topic, whether there are local applicants for this vacancy. Priorities are set by default.

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