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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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House in Montenegro on the beach - create a miracle possible!

Residents of the stuffy and expensive metropolis will understand: every day to work and work to go to the joy of not everyone, when outside the window 200 days a year, cold, wind or slush. When shoes fall apart from salt and puddles are completely monstrous chemical composition. But you want to wake up. as in a romantic film or in some kind of advertising - from the noise of the surf and the shouting of gulls outside the window. And this is not beyond reality, believe me! After all, a house in Montenegro on the beach can afford almost everyone.

No wonder the mass of Russians has already moved to this friendly country. Here, of course, not so splendid service as in other European countries, and with work there are complexities, but psychologically quite cozy: how the locals are friendly and kind, and the positive Russian-speaking diaspora with pleasure supports its own. Even in school, children can start walking almost immediately - adaptation will go easily and effortlessly. If you are afraid for the quality of the process, by the way, you can find an excellent Russian psychologist - there are a lot of such here.

How can a house in Montenegro on the seashore become your reality? In order not to get a lot of problems with housing and utilities, etc., try not to buy old real estate from your hands.

The old cottage not only can seriously hurt your nerves due to the huge debts of the former owner for the communal, but also become not the most cozy and healthy home - after all, despite the heat, it is quite humid, and on the walls there is an abundant fungus that owners with true national carelessness ignored. Add to this the equally negligent attitude of the Montenegrins to the documentation of the property and their love for dangerous re-planning, and you yourself conclude that a house in Montenegro on the seashore can become not a fairy tale, but a real horror film.

Therefore, it is optimal to buy a house in Montenegro, and it is fine if it is new. Now there are a lot of great offers on prices, which even shock the owners of battered odnushki in Biryulyovo - because for this money you can buy a real palace here. If you are not sure that you are going to sell real estate in the capital or region, start with a lease in Budva (Bar, Ulcinj) and try Montenegrin life to taste. True, they say that at the moment prices for squares here are minimized, and new finished houses are literally for pennies.

In short, if you have tried at least rest in Montenegro and are considering whether to move here for permanent residence or not, take advantage of long-term lease (for six months or a year) - then make your conclusions.

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