Montenegrin educational system monitors the European trend
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Maria Jovovich: "The Montenegrin educational system follows the European trend"
PR manager of the Ministry of Education Maria Jovovich told the portal SVE.ME about how the education system in Montenegro is built and how it develops.
Tell us, please, how is the educational system in Montenegro organized today?
Oh, she does not stand still. We strive to create an education system of the highest quality, therefore, as jewelers, we sharpen every detail: we constantly review, change, control - in a word, improve. The main goal pursued by the education system is to create the most comfortable conditions for the all-round development of the individual, regardless of gender, social and cultural origin, national and religious affiliation. We strive to satisfy the needs, interests, desires and ambitions of every person in the process of his education. Education is aimed at achieving an international level of knowledge. We strive to develop consciousness, the need to preserve and improve human rights, its significant role in the life of the rule of law, the natural and social environment, and multiculturalism. In each person we develop a consciousness about the state belonging to Montenegro and its culture, traditions, history.
What are the types of educational institutions in Montenegro?
Educational systems in Montenegro include pre-school, primary, general secondary and vocational education, higher education. To date, there are 21 state and 13 private preschool institutions in the country's educational system; 163 primary schools; 13 major music schools, 48 secondary schools and one private gymnasium; one higher vocational school; three, based on natural resources, a center, more than 80 licensed adult education organizers and three universities.
What is the fundamental difference between the education system in Montenegro and other countries?
The reforms that are currently taking place in the education system are aimed at improving the quality of education, creating conditions for greater student mobility. Subsequently they receive the knowledge and skills that open the doors of European and world schools and higher educational institutions. So the Montenegrin educational system follows the European trend. In addition to compulsory subjects, students study and electives, which greatly improved the quality of the education system in Montenegro.
Montenegrin educational systems, like many European systems, belong to a system with higher righteousness, which means that education is available to all students, regardless of their social origin. Through righteousness, we provide equal opportunities for all to develop key competencies, such as reading, math, science.
What are the goals of the Ministry of Education in developing such a system?
The reform of the educational system in Montenegro began with the establishment of the basic principles defined by the document "Book of Changes" in 2001. These principles include: the principle of decentralization of the system, equal opportunities, choice according to individual capabilities, the introduction of European standards, the application of quality systems, the development of human resources, primary education, flexibility, patency and, respectively, vertical and horizontal links system, the principle of compliance programs with the level of education, international and the principle of gradual introduction of changes.
The new educational system, from the economic point of view, should be effective and effective, and from the social point of view, it should link economic effects with the introduction of democratic values.
From 2016 to 2017, we plan to hold such important events as improving cooperation and improving its quality with employers' companies; further development of quality improvement mechanisms in primary and continuing professional education, in accordance with the EQAVET recommendations; Increasing the accessibility of education for different target groups by creating modular programs in which it is possible to evaluate informally and informally acquired knowledge. Particular attention will be paid to key competencies in the programs and professional development of the teacher.
Please tell us about the key stages of training.
The education system in Montenegro includes pre-school education and education, primary, secondary, higher education and adult education.
The duty of education in Montenegro is prescribed legally at the level of the primary school, which is provided free of charge to all children, regardless of their gender, national and religious background, psychophysical characteristics of children, and other differences.
Pre-education and education is provided to all children under the age of 6, or rather before they are sent to school. Children under the age of 3 are provided with a nursery, and at the age of 3 to 6 they are assigned to various organized educational groups. Pre-school upbringing and education in Montenegro can be both public and private.
School education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6 to 15 years. School education is divided into three cycles - each cycle is three years. In the first cycle one teacher works and leads all subjects. Training takes place during half the working time. Estimates are informative. In the second cycle, teachers of profile subjects are gradually included in the work with students. In IV, V and VI classes, assessments are already put on a scale of 1 to 5 points. In the third cycle, from the seventh to the ninth classes only the teachers of profile subjects are taught. At the end of each cycle, an external check of knowledge and the ability of their practical application are carried out.
What about inclusive education in Montenegro?
The development of inclusive education is one of the priority areas of the education reform in Montenegro. We adopted and approved two strategies for inclusive education - for 2008-2013 and for 2014-2018. In accordance with the first strategy, children with developmental peculiarities can both attend regular schools on a common basis, and attend special classes at ordinary schools. Students are also obliged to receive assistance from a defectologist.
Primary school students have the right to education at home. A parent who organizes a child's education at home must, at least two months before the school year starts, notify the school to which the child entered in writing. Council of the school, on the basis of this notification, decides on the formation of the child at home. Such children are examined in accordance with the way of testing the knowledge received at home prescribed in the law.
When was the last time a change in the modern educational system was approved?
The results of the analysis and studies conducted by the Department of Education, the examination center, as well as the assessment of the performance of Montenegrin students in the PISE showed that it is necessary to revise about 25% of subjects in the curricula to improve the performance in subjects such as reading, writing and mathematics.
interview prepared by Ekaterina Balan
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