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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Obtaining residence permit in Montenegro for a foreigner on the basis of employment (Law on Aliens Article 67)

Recently, there are often questions about the possibility of obtaining a residence permit (Boravak) in Montenegro. This is connected not only with the arrival of newly arrived citizens of other countries, but also with the appearance of a new law on foreigners, the expected entry into force on November 1, 2015. What will be the additions or changes to it we can only guess, but what we need to do now to get a borovak or to extend it we know for sure. So, you will need to collect some documents, copies and submit them to the appropriate authority.
The Ministry should provide:

Original of the valid passport. Photocopy of the passport.
Confirmation that the necessary monetary funds exist (confirmation of the availability of the necessary amount of money on the account with the Montenegro bank, proof of the availability of the required amount of money on the credit card, an extract from the savings account on the availability of the required amount of money, confirmation from the bank on the circulation of funds on the bank account), proof of income at the main job for the last 3 months, with a mandatory written application of the employer.
Proof of where you will live in Montenegro.
Medical insurance.
A certificate of no criminal record in the country of origin, where you are a citizen, that there is no sentence of imprisonment for more than 6 months. for a criminal offense, or proof of the cancellation of a sentence, or evidence that any legal consequences of the sentence have ended.
A written application from the employer regarding the foreign worker in the workplace, with all the important clauses from the employment contract relating to which workplace the foreigner will work in, what time, schedule, working conditions, on the basis of which job classification certificate is assigned to the working the place that will receive the size of the salary, and other conditions. Proof that the employer has fulfilled all of its obligations with respect to the employee, namely, confirmation from the tax.
Confirmation of social security of the employee by the employer (in case if the extension of residence permit).
A document from the Central Register of Economic Entities of CRPS that a legal or natural person was registered with an address in Montenegro.
Proof of education (original document, confirmation, decision from the Ministry of Education of Montenegro that the document is recognized, or confirmation from the Ministry of Education that the document is adopted and is in the process of nostrification in accordance with the Law). Nostrification of a foreign document takes place in accordance with the Law on Recognition of Foreign Documents. If the document on education was issued in republics that used to be part of Yugoslavia before the international legal recognition of them (until the end of the academic year 1991-1992), then such a document does not need nostrification. If the document on education is issued in Serbia before January 25, 2008, then such a document does not need nostrification.
A confirmation of work capacity, namely a document on the passage of a medical commission in Montenegro.

In order to extend the residence permit you need to provide documents on the items: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Some cities may require additional documents.

In accordance with the Aliens Act, you can only renew your work permit two times. After that, it is necessary to receive anew. It will be necessary to provide all the documents again for all the items listed above: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


In accordance with the requirements for the necessary amount of money for livelihood, an amount of 3,650 euros is established for each member of the family (for each child).
Based on seasonal employment, seasonal work is issued for a residence permit for a period of 6 months. There is no way to register and obtain residence permits for family members for reunification.
A foreign worker has the right to work only in that workplace and only in the company for whom he / she has been issued a work permit.
A certificate of conviction is required for all adult family members.
Date, month and year in the document from the tax must correspond to the month and year of filing documents for residence permit.

The point on the provision of mandatory confirmation from the Employment Service of Montenegro (ZZZ CG) is postponed until November 1, 2015. Employers will be fined from 1 thousand euros to 10 thousand euros if:

- the employer signed an employment contract with a foreign employee until the confirmation of the Employment Service; - The foreign worker works at the employer without the permission to work;

- the employer did not formalize the employee in the appropriate instances;

- the employer does not keep (does not provide a copy of the work permit of his employees for inspection requirements, etc.);

- the employee does not work for the employer, but has a valid work permit, and the employer did not report it within 8 days.

- the employee works illegally with the employer; - a foreign worker received a work permit, and the employer did not conclude an employment contract with him, did not formalize the employee according to the rules;


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