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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Heyter in Montenegro. Part 2

This is a heather article, or what infuriates me in Montenegro. My opinion is copyright, you can agree with him, and it's fine, or do not agree, and this has a place to be. Everything written below is purely personal observations and experiences.

In the first part of the article, I wrote about my problems with wine and croissants, today I will add my hate list here:

3) No addresses

I understand that such a system here for a long time and probably is quite convenient for local residents, and no one is going to change it, but seriously, what the heck are they missing?

I really dream that someday Budva will have streets and house numbers. This, you know, does not lightly simplify life. I saw that here and there is this luxury, but for some reason, it is I who live in the house bb. And I have to explain to friends for a long time how to get to my house (Do you know where the taxi station is? There are houses near it, and here is my house that is white, here is the one where the yellow roof, here is where one entrance, and blah bla bla, you know how it would simplify the task of having an address? Yes, I think it's obvious). And I can not call a taxi to the house, I have to call it to some kind of landmark, and when I go home by taxi, I also have to explain to the driver how to get there (it's not difficult, but sometimes I do not want to talk, I want to give the address and continue the trip in silence), and I can not order food on the house, because I understand how much time I will spend on explaining, and that it will be faster to go and collect it myself (this again is not difficult, but sometimes it's winter-rain-dark and absolutely no desire to get out of pajamas).

The solution : to breathe deeper, not to be nervous, and partly to create an additional burden for Comrade V. the duty to carry me. The issue of food delivery promises to decide in the near future the site http://foodyclub.me/, introducing the opportunity to simply mark your house on the map. Also, sometimes you can call a taxi / order food using the Viber application, marking the point with your location.

4) A little bit about coffee

-Dobar dan, izvolite
-Moze li jedan espreso?
-Naravno, hocete li u veliku ili u malu solju?
-?!?!?! Malu!
-Sa mlijekom ili bez?
-Kraci ili duzi?
-.... Donesi mi kapucino ...

This, and similar dialogues, I was not accustomed to local realities, first introduced into a stupor. Montenegrin fantasy knows no limits, and to designate coffee, they use anything except the generally accepted names. Want an espresso? Americano? Or maybe you want a cappuccino? Do not use these words, better explain in detail the waiter: how much you pour the coffee and the size of the desired mug. And most importantly, they can drink coffee for hours, not paying the slightest attention to the fact that coffee has long since cooled down, and milk has long been turned into kefir.

The solution : to accept and learn the usual notation for Montenegrins.

That's all for today.


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