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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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And the mountains look at me ... Ending

I want to finish my epic about a trip to Pashtrovichka mountain, to the monastery of St. Spiridon. And I feel that as soon as I put the point in my article, I again have a desire to go to the mountains for new impressions. Because mountains are a magnet for our souls. There, as nowhere else, our soul knows peace and freedom. I like the sea very much, I adore wandering through forests untouched by civilization, but nowhere does the soul feel like it is in the mountains. Therefore, when we started our descent, it immediately became a little sad. But the feeling of joy from achieving our goal, too, did not leave us. This is a confusion of feelings! And in such a confusion, the positive has won, and we, two adult, educated, quite adequate ladies started at once, as if on a command to scream all the time: I'm happy! The man who accompanied us was more restrained, did not shout, but simply shone with happiness. It turns out that sometimes a person for happiness only needs to climb high into the mountains, leaving his problems somewhere at the bottom, just under his feet. After all, from the height of the mountains they seem so small, one can even say - insignificant in comparison with the greatness and power of nature. Revaluation of values ​​begins. Mountain psychologists! And the mountains are a museum of modern art. What kind of installations and performances you will not see there!

And everything causes delight. Beautiful, unique, interesting, cool, already scary, wow! All this we said in turn, turning heads to the right, then to the left. And you should have looked at your feet. It was no less difficult to walk down such a guerrilla path than up. We try to go leisurely, and this calms the train of thought. It seems to me that I forgot something up there. No, I did not forget, but left an hour of my life. But I took with me what I will remember for the rest of my life - the warmth from the icon of St. Spiridon, the glitter of spider webs on the grass in droplets of dew, the look of the monk's kind eyes, the sleight of the nun's thin hands, which brought us coffee and even the purring of monastic cats. I do not know how my fellow travelers are, but I will definitely return there. The monk told me that there are 16 churches on Pashtrovichy Hill. Sixteen!!! He watches over them, conducts services. Probably, all of them will not work around, but there is room for aspirations! Local historians and just curious, I give you this information in the hope that it will be used for joy and inspiration.

The lower we descend from the mountain, the more down-to-earth conversations we have. This is an accident or influence of mountains, it is unclear. But we began to say that probably there live different animals in these places. The mountains for them are a house. Then we noticed how our now familiar old goats-beauties swallowed all the bushes standing by the road. For someone, then Pashtrovichka Mountain is the nurse.

We are already in the car ... But we have another opportunity to blow up our brains by looking at the sunset over the island of St. Stephen, and we stop at the memorial stone to the Russian monk Yegor Stroganov in the village of Chelobrdo.

Here we notice a nice young man, in the form of Russian, with an open bottle of good wine. And I understand that we are on the same wavelength with him. We are all happy from communicating with the beauty of nature, laughing, Alex and Larissa choose angles for photos ... And I stand, I look at the mountains and I understand that the mountains look at me. Prior to the meeting, Pashtrovichka mountain, I'll definitely come back to you!

Vera Belushchenko


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