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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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The municipal police will be able to arrest cars

The Montenegrin media published on December 3. Starting in January, the Communal Police will have the right, according to the new law, to carry handcuffs, batons, and the right to arrest them. The Law on the Community Police entered into force on 3 October.

According to Goran Jankovic, Chief of the Communal Police, according to the latest census data, about 189,000 citizens live in Podgorica. There will be about 40 municipal police in the city, for every approximately 5,000 citizens there will be one policeman each. Communal police will have the right to make a warning, establish an identity, arrest. Also, the Municipal Police will be able to stop vehicles, temporarily prohibit them from traffic, inspect items, temporarily remove them, use video surveillance, use physical force, batons and handcuffs. Equipment for the municipal police will be ready in a month.

The police will have uniforms, batons, handcuffs, plaques for stopping vehicles. At the moment, the employees of the Communal Police are trained at the Police Academy. After completing the training, they will take the exam before the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The law was issued in September last year.

Source: kolektiv.me
Photo: google illustration


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