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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Montenegro-Russia. The history of age-old friendship.

Recently, we read a lot of different information about the relationship between Montenegro and Russia. Even to me, a woman far from politics, it became interesting to understand, what historical ways did we approach and how are we disconnected? Or does it only seem to us? So I decided to collect information about us with them and about them with us in various sources to share some interesting facts. And the conclusions will be made by each reader himself.

It turns out, in modern terms, there were always graters between Russia and Montenegro. The beginning of intensive Montenegrin-Russian relations was laid by Bishop Danilo. The founder of the Petrovich dynasty, Negosh, was a strong personality, which attracted the attention of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great. They began to make friends in a tight, brotherly way. The tsar declared Russia a patroness of the Balkan Slavs and called them for an uprising against the Turkish yoke. The battles unfolded on an unprecedented scale. But later Peter concluded peace with the Turks and pledged not to help Montenegro. Here such misfortune left.

After Danila fled to Russia (or anywhere), Montenegro was ruled by his nephew Sawa. In politics, he relied again on Russia and was the initiator of the idea of ​​the resettlement of Montenegrins to Russia. And it was! The Russian tsar at some point wanted to find out what was really going on in Montenegro, and sent his messenger here. Colonel Pachkov sent a disappointing report to the yard: The people are wild, life is messy, heads are demolished for any reason, the priesthood is greedy, the churches are empty, and the relatives of the lords share the help coming from Russia. Strashnova was in the Balkans!

The consequence of such a report was the cooling of relations, so the Russian court began to distrust the authorities of Montenegro. In 1815, Montenegro withdrew to Austria with the consent of Russia. Who needed this consent and why? - remains for me until an unexplored issue. The population of Montenegro at that time was very poor, the famine was a frequent occurrence, people survived only thanks to the import of grain from Russia. Later, assistance became more substantial. Petr Petrovich Nyegosh built roads for this money, opened schools and print shops. Although Russia itself, I remember from history, was not at that time a prosperous power. But she generously shared with the Montenegrin people, indeed, fraternally.

Then the ruler was another Danilo. He separated secular power from the church on the orders of Russia in 1852. This, probably, was done according to the principle: who's eating dinner, he dances. And this Danilo got involved in the war with Turkey. From a complete collapse it was saved by Russia and Austria. However, later Prince Danilo departed from the Russians, without whose support he could not achieve the independence of Montenegro. Once again, it turned out wrong with our friendship!

Prince Daniel was succeeded by Nikolas's nephew. And again, military operations began with Turkey, and again the Russians saved the Montenegro from the defeat in this war! Later, an agreement was concluded with Russia, according to which Rossia pledged to equip and train the Montenegrin army. In return, Montenegro had no right to fight without Russia's consent. Oh, there was always some kind of mutually beneficial friendship among our peoples! Nikola considered Montenegro his property, had great international authority and enjoyed marital diplomacy. gave his daughters in marriage so that he was considered a father-in-law of Europe. Two of his daughters were at the same time in the families of the Russian Romanovs. Milica and Anastasia became Grand Duchesses. Montenegro was Russia's ally in the Russo-Japanese War and was part of the Entente with Russia. And yet, without the consent of Russia, Montenegro began the first Balkan war, as a result of which military assistance to it was suspended. Naughty little sister!

To achieve the restoration of material assistance from Russia, the Montenegrins committed a penitential trip to St. Petersburg. Well, at least repented ....

Unfortunately, after the Second World War several generations of people in Yugoslavia and Russia grew up, who did not know about the existence of centuries-old friendship between Montenegrins and Russians. And I'm including. In Yugoslavia, until the end of the 1980s, there was a manifestation of friendly feelings towards Russians, it was impossible to appear in the Russian house in Belgrade. However, Serbs and Montenegrins preserved their love for Russia thanks to oral tradition. I want to believe that, despite recent events in the political life of our countries, common sense will prevail, and the friendship of our peoples will only grow stronger and develop! Finished pathetic, but from the Russian soul ...

Vera Belushchenko


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