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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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The virus of Zika already in Europe

Doctors of Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark, announced that they found the virus Zeka in the body of a Danish citizen. The carrier of the virus visited the countries of South and Central America.

The World Health Organization warned that it could spread to all countries of South and North America, with the exception of Canada and Chile. The virus of Zeka is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. Ill has a slight headache, he has fever, malaise, conjunctivitis, pain in the joints, a rash appears on the skin.

Now the Zika virus is not considered fatal, but it is believed that the virus poses a risk to the fetus during pregnancy. The virus Zika, which got into the mother's body, can cause the child microcephaly.

Currently, there is no vaccine, no medicine for diseases caused by the virus Zika.

Evgeny Novozhilov


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