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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Fishing in Montenegro: no catch without a catch!

Since the rest in Montenegro has densely entered the circle of preferences of Russian tourists and investors, the range of special tours to Montenegro continues to expand. Now the agencies offer mouth-watering options for athletes, extremals, researchers, honeymooners, families with children, lovers of a healthy lifestyle and, of course, for avid anglers. Fishing in Montenegro is 8 days of paradise for enthusiastic people and professionals. Not only will you relax and enjoy beautiful views - even modest local trophies will shake the head of anyone, and many like-minded people can be found here.

But for fishing in Montenegro to succeed, you need to know the specifics of the Adriatic and focus on it. If your friends have real estate in Montenegro, and among these friends there are fishermen, do not try to find secrets: you will not be discovered. The maximum that can be achieved is a sea trip with an obligatory sports or semi-sport program. But do not despair: there are many options. Some tricks we will open to you in this article, and even more benefits can be obtained by going on a fishing tour of Montenegro.

It is usually caught here by a net (for surface or for depth), by hook travel (either from the shore, or from a boat or boat), spinning or donka.

Deep-sea fish is better for fish, truffles, octopus or squid, cut into pieces. Such a bait is suitable for gofa, shirun, bush and other typical Adriatic rocks.

Beside the bait and the spinning well bait the catfish and the needle. Very good fishing in Montenegro from the boat in the early morning, especially pleasant drifting on the boat, you can even turn off the engine, and you can go at minimum speed, most importantly, observe resistance to wind and tide. If the wind and tide coincide, it is better to anchor.

Fishing in Montenegro can become a real quest if you want to catch, for example, a shark: then as a bait take medium mackerel or tuna, and the predator may well become your trophy.

Fish can be caught here and in the light of a lantern: lure it into the night and surround it with a net, the lantern is extinguished, and the frightened fish ceases to orient and gets straight to the net. Networks for deep-sea fish are also put up for the night, and early in the morning they collect the catch.

If you prefer a classic fishing rod and day fishing, then the bait is better to take the local: small mussels, rather than store mixes.

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