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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Montenegro imported products for half a billion euros

Minister of Agriculture Peter Ivanovich said that in 2015 Montenegro imported agricultural products worth 465 million euros. The share of agricultural products in the total volume of imports is 25.2%. The cost of imports of agricultural products not intended for human consumption amounted to 61.8 million euros in 2015. 203.9 million euros - this is the total value of imports of agricultural products that are not produced in Montenegro or produced in quantities limited for natural reasons, such as coffee, bananas, fats and oils of vegetable or animal origin, sugar, carbonated soft drinks , cereals, fresh pork meat products, cereals, cocoa products and others. The value of imports of products that can be produced in Montenegro amounted to 199.4 million euros in 2015.

Evgeny Novozhilov


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