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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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According to the decision of the Government of Montenegro on approval of the number of residence permits intended for the employment of foreigners for 2017, the possibility of obtaining permits for residence and employment was approved in the amount of: 13185 permits, of which 6501 for employment, 3324 for seasonal employment, 1360 - provision by foreigners of services under the contract, reserve - 2000. The reserve can be additionally allocated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Montenegro for specific purposes, in accordance with trebnostyu labor market, on the treatment of the Employment Service of Montenegro. Also, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 74 of the Montenegrin Aliens Act, it is stipulated that the Government of Montenegro may increase, reduce or redistribute annual quotas if this is due to demand and supply in the labor market or if there is a specific need for certain areas of activity. Link to download the quota decision http://www.zzzcg.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Odluka-o-utvrđivanju-godišnjeg-broja-dozvola-za-privremeni-boravak-i-rad-stranaca- za-2017.godinu.pdf
http://www.zzzcg.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Pregled-djelatnosti-i-zanimanja-u-kojima-se-stranci-mogu-zapošljavati-odnosno-pružati-ugovorene-usluge-za- 2017.godinu.pdf

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