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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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The amazing Petrovac: a walk to uninhabited islands

Near the coast of Montenegro there are 11 large islands. Each of them is completely unique, so a new island is always a new experience.

So, just a kilometer from the coast of the village of Petrovac, there are two rocky islands: Holy Week and Katich. You can get on them by boat or by swimming. The islands are located one after another.

If you come to Petrovac, first take a walk to the island of Holy Week. The banks of it are covered with sharp rocks, so the boats quickly land passengers and sail to a safe distance so that the wave does not break.

In the upper part of the island there is a small stone church typical of Montenegro. It was built by the sailors as a token of gratitude to the Lord for their salvation - they were brought to this island during the shipwreck. It was on a Sunday, in Serbian this word sounds like a "week". The name of the church gave the name to the island.

A comfortable staircase made of concrete leads up to the church. When you climb it, the swallows start circling around, worried that they were disturbed.

The church itself is closed, and who has the key, it was not possible to find out. The captain of the boat rented on the coast, pointedly said - you do not need a key. Well, I had to look into the small windows. In the twilight, I could see the icon of the Mother of God.

But the fact that the church is closed, and there is no one around, has its own advantage - it is possible with absolutely impunity and any number to ring the bell. Petrovac is often announced by the sounds of a bell from the island - everyone is used to it here. Standing near the entrance to the church, you can reach the rope, which is tied to the bell. By the way, there is a theory that the sound of the bell is extremely useful for the human body.

And from the observation deck a very beautiful view opens up to Petrovac and the neighboring island of Katich. It is surrounded by rocks, so, unfortunately, it is impossible to land on it. But near him, divers often sink. They say that the underwater world in the area of ​​the islands is wonderful.

Maria Abramkina


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