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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Prices in Montenegro

Entry into Montenegro in conditions of visa-free regime is a real way for tourists who do not like to burden themselves with various diplomatic delays. Moreover, many citizens from tourists gradually become local residents, from time to time simply leaving for another country according to the established tradition of the Wizarans. Attractive factors are many, and one of the decisive are the prices in Montenegro. True, we are talking about prices for rest - usually resort numbers significantly exceed the indicators of ordinary life, in Montenegro it is not so. Rest here is much cheaper not only than in Europe, but also in the Balkan region as a whole.

As for accommodation, prices in Montenegro are close to the pan-European, while wages in the country to the European countries are clearly below the mark. With a certain skill and skills, own business, as well as the presence of a distanced place of work in a region that is more prosperous from this point of view, one can survive here.

In general, prices in Montenegro, say, products and essentials can be conditionally divided into 3 levels (per day):

Low (5-10 euros)

Average (12-60 euros)

High (from 60 euros to infinity)

If you have chosen a beach zone for your stay, the cost of each level should be raised by 20 percent.

Payment here takes place traditionally in euros, you can change money at any point without difficulty, unless, of course, it's not rubles.

If you are picky and carefully studying prices in Montenegro, add to this the value of your courtesy in the form of 10% of the check in cafes, hotels, taxis, etc.

How to eat more profitable: to cook yourself or to use a simple (or cunning, up to elite) restaurant service? Rental of real estate in Montenegro for recreation involves different options: half board (an average of about 12 euros per day per person), only breakfast (7 euros), etc. It is possible to establish a catering service independently. Average price list: 8-17 euros per person. Beaches, of course, more expensive.

Be especially careful at the height of the season - the prices for the cheapest souvenirs in places of mass congestion of tourists are simply beyond reach, but on any noncentral market you will find wonderful things and fresh products for quite adequate money. And by the way, a set of souvenirs is everywhere the same, and the cost can vary by 3-4 times.

Prices in Montenegro for car rental also depend on the season, but in general, there are no problems with rent-car: there are many points everywhere.

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