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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Chernogorskiy Polaco is the best tablet

Maybe someone is already fed up with the beauty of nature in Montenegro. But I, fortunately, do not cease to meet people who are still unfamiliar with this country. For them and for those who get real pleasure from life in Montenegro, today I will write about some facts of the impact of this very beauty on our mood and way of thinking.

Man and nature are inseparable, they can not exist separately without each other. But is the beauty of nature capable of influencing a person? How does it affect it? The appearance of a beautiful landscape is an intimate meeting of a person with nature. Even if some locals say that they are used to and already do not notice the beauty of the sea and mountains, do not believe them. This is noticed by their subconscious.

The beauty of nature makes people have a complex of positive feelings: joy, relax, calm, a sense of freedom, kindness, happiness. And as a consequence - the desire to live sexually (Serbian, slowly, slowly).

I have something to compare with Montenegro - I visited 19 countries. If the nature had everywhere the same degree of beauty, then it would become monotonous. It is better when the flower is concentrated, as on the canvas. And Montenegro is a point of concentration of beauty. If you go by car, for example, from Budva towards Bar, then every 10 minutes you see something amazing outside the window: first the island of St. Stephen, then the unique Petrovac and so on. And about the trip to Bosnia, I will say simply - all cervical vertebrae will be developed, twisting your head to the sides, wanting to see everything that is worthy of attention!

Many will agree with me that there are days when the wonders of the surrounding world are so fascinating with their beauty that you can not tear yourself away from what you have seen. Nature is able to influence and completely change the mood of a person. Even when the spleen dwells in the shower, it is only necessary to go out into the street, to see the bright sun, the clouds running across the sky, to hear the ringing singing of birds, to feel the sweet smells of flowering trees and blossoming flowers, as soon as the world becomes more beautiful. And there are scientific justifications for this.

Observations of doctors in sanatorium parks confirmed that different types of trees can evoke different moods for holidaymakers: weeping willow adjusts to the lyric mode and soothingly acts on the nervous system, the brightly colored crown of the Schwedler maple, on the contrary, gives rise to emotional uplift, and slender rows of pyramidal poplars or cypresses create solemn mood. Beneficial effect on us and the green color of plants, it helps to relieve fatigue, the normal filling of blood vessels, reduces eye pressure.

The beauty of flowers, trees and shrubs, their peculiar influence on the mood of a man has been noticed for a long time. "In a pine forest - to pray, in a birch grove - to have fun" - so people expressed their perception of the external appearance of trees. The fact that the contemplation of the sea is soothing is an axiom that does not require proof. And yet I dare to specify some details. When you are in a state of stress came to the sea, then instead of a depressed state comes a sense of relaxation, peace, tranquility. If you suffer from depressive conditions, come to the sea, silently watch the waves and decide to live sexually. This is called sea therapy.

In literature and in many modern films, nature is seen as a living substance that can feel, experience or rejoice with heroes, influence their inner world and state. Many writers and poets drew inspiration, being in the woods or admiring the raging sea. Not only did they reflect the influence of nature on people in their works, but physicians proved that it helps to calm down, bring thoughts into order and find spiritual harmony. What I wish you all from the heart!

Vera Belushchenko

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