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Publication in the community "Montenegro"

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Young Montenegrins want to work in the office

According to the Employment Agency of Montenegro, 659 professions in the country have no demand in the labor market. And it is mostly the Montenegrin education system that is to blame, although economic changes and the mentality of local residents contribute to it. At the same time, there is a demand for professions in Montenegro, in particular in the sphere of trade, which are not taught anywhere in the country.

Experts advise the parents of today's schoolchildren to think twice before choosing a profession. The labor market requires weavers, gunsmiths, junior officers, tractor drivers, accountants. An acute shortage is experienced by the Montenegrin labor market in the teachers of Marxism, the Japanese language and theology. At the same time, mechanics of machines and mechanisms, teachers, political scientists with a bachelor's degree, social workers with the same level of education and so on can not find a job.

Montenegrin specialists on employment say that young Montenegrins want to work in the office, especially they are attracted to managerial positions. The educational system is built with these needs in mind, resulting in an imbalance in the labor market, in the form of growing unemployment.

Evgeny Novozhilov


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